Ricky Gui showcases a stunning series of "Hidden Doors" located behind shophouses in Singapore. Working for over a year, Gui highlighted over 600 "Hidden Doors"in his documentation. These doors are usually looked over as they hide behind shophouses and alleyways where people are unlikely to venture into.

"What attracts me about the "Hidden Door" is the design, shape, colors, and the various intriguing details of the overall architecture surrounding. It took me more than a year to explore various back lanes of the shophouses in my country" said Ricky Gui.

While most of Gui's documentation occurred on the weekends of his business trip, the timing allowed him to take photos without any interference. Gui added that the small details (i.e. cats or hanging clothes) in front of the door brought personality to each image.

"Behind every 'Hidden Door" lurks possibility of past tales of childhood, romance, and history."
Download your own high-quality wallpaper from the Hidden Door series to your mobile devices for free, simply by using the password 'hiddendoor'
See all 600 unique doors here.
News via Hidden Door.